
  • Bellagio - Chiesa di San Giacomo (Church of San Giacomo)

    The church of San Giacomo was built in the 12th century. It was extended in the Baroque period with a nave and two side aisles and the bell tower to the left of the facade. The three apses with double...
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  • Bellagio - Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (Church of San Giovanni Battista)

    Church of San Giovanni Battista is arguably the most beautiful in the whole of the Larian Triangle. It rises up from the lake, almost as if to underline the concept of purification through baptism per...
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  • Bellagio - Chiesa romanica di Santa Maria (Romanesque church of Santa Maria)

    Located in the hamlet of Guggiate, the small church, known since 845, is a three-aisled building with a protruding transept and a semi-circular apse, partially unoriginal, dating from the 12th century...
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  • Bellagio - Punta spartivento

    From Punta Spartivento, at the northernmost end of Bellagio, you can admire breathtaking views of the two arms of lake Como and the Alpine foothills: a splendid intermingling of water and mountains.
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  • Bellagio - Villa Melzi

    The villa is right on the shore of the lake. Designed by the architect Giocondo Albertolli, it was built between 1808 and 1813 for Francesco Melzi d'Eril, Vice President of the Cisalpine Republic, th...
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  • Bellagio - Villa Serbelloni

    Villa Serbelloni has an ancient history. Its grounds extend along the Bellagio headland, where Pliny the Younger is said to have owned a villa called Tragoedia. The original plan of the villa dates ba...
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  • Bellagio - Villa Trotti-Bentivoglio

    The house already existed in the 1600s. In 1752 the Marquis Ludovico Trotti transformed it into a sumptuous villa surrounded by a magnificent Italian garden. The following century a descendent of the ...
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  • Bicogno - Masso Avello (rock)

    Many such rocks have been found in this area, known as the Larian Triangle. They were hollowed out to form troughs; historians have recently discovered that they were used as individual or communal to...
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  • Brunate - Chalet Sonzogno

    This building was originally exhibited at the Turin Exposition in 1902. A couple of years later it was re-built in Brunate and offered as the prize for a lottery run by the 'Il Secolo' newspaper. Bu...
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  • Brunate - Funicolare (Funicolar)

    The impressive funicular starts from lakeside in Como (Piazza Alcide De Gasperi, not far from Piazza Cavour along lakefront). It runs up the tree-lined ridge of the mount (with the view of the entire ...
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  • Brunate - Grand Hotel Milano

    built around 1910 by Achille Manfredini to accommodate the élite tourists visiting the area. The building, in sumptuous style with large rooms overlooking the panorama, was the cradle of Como's high...
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  • Brunate - Tre fontane (three fountains)

    This is a public fountain with three mouths, built in the Thirties for an advertising campaign. It features a bass-relief and is engraved with the words 'Cordial Campari', a reference to the famous ...
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  • Brunate - Villa Pirotta

    The villa was designed in 1902 by the architect Federico Frigerio from Como, commissioned by a business magnate who wanted to create a miniature version of Versailles in the village. Numerous sculptor...
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  • Casate - Piazzola del carretto

    In the middle of the square there is a two-wheeled barrow which historians believe to be an underwater relic linked to an old furnace in the village in use until the Fifties.
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  • Cazzanore - Villa Morselli

    Due to its isolated position, just outside the hamlet of Cazzanore, this villa has always been known as "La Solitaria" (The Solitary). It was the home of the Italian dramatist Ercole Luigi Morselli ...
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  • Como - Monumento ai caduti di Como (Monument to the fallen of Como)

    This imposing 33-metre-high tower, designed by the famous rationalist architect Giuseppe Terragni, stands beside the small temple. The memorial contains the names of 650 fallen soldiers from Como duri...
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  • Como - Tempietto Voltiano (small temple of Alessandro Volta))

    Built in 1927 to celebrate the centenary of Alessandro Volta's death. The temple contains busts, bas-reliefs and memorabilia of the famous scientist and professor from Como.
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  • Lemna - Chiesa di San Giorgio (Church of San Giorgio)

    There are two different schools of thought about the construction of this church: some claim it was built in the 18th century and others think it already existed in the mid-16th century. In any case, ...
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  • Lezzeno - Chiesa dei Santi Quirico e Giulietta (Church of Santi Quirico e Giulitta)

    Lezzeno's main artistic attraction is the parish church of Santi Quirico and Giulitta. Behind and above the main altar is the impressive fresco by Giulio Quaglio (1712), the gifted artist from the In...
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  • Lezzeno - Grotta dei Bulberi (o Grotta Azzurra)

    The water-level entrance to the Bulberi grotto, also known as the Azure grotto, is near the cliffs of Sassi Grosgalli (a name of Celtic origin), that fall sheer to the lake on the western side of the ...
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  • Lezzeno - Museo storico della nautica (Historical nautical museum)

    The museum was set up by Cantieri Molinari, a renowned construction firm based in Como. It houses numerous wooden and fibreglass hull boats, the result of technical research and of the genius and pass...
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  • Lezzeno - Ponte del diavolo (Devil's Bridge)

    At the side of road SS 583 between Bellagio and Lezzeno, the 'Ponte del Diavolo' (Devil's Bridge) stretches across a gorge in the dolomitic limestone rock of mount Nuvolone. The mysterious and somb...
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  • Molina - Chiesa di Sant'Antonio (Church of Sant'Antonio)

    Located in a small village centre, characterised by narrow alleys, porticoes and stairways, ideal for a short break, it is an 18th-century reconstruction of the original Romanesque building. Not to be...
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  • Nesso - Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo (Church of Santi Pietro e Paolo)

    Although this church dates back to around the year 1000, we have no records of its activities for several centuries. The lakeside church was rebuilt in the early 17th century in the Baroque style. Som...
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  • Nesso - Chiesa di Santa Maria di Vico (Church of Santa Maria di Vico)

    Santa Maria's church was built in the 13th century by the Order of the Umiliati (humbled), a religious order whose followers advocated a return to a more austere spirituality and a simple life. The c...
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  • Nesso - Orrido di Nesso (Natural gorge)

    The picturesque gorge, at the outlet of the Tuf and Nosè valleys, is fed by the mountain streams of the same names which meet here in a deafening, spectacular foaming mass, plunging between the bare ...
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  • Nesso - Punta della Cavagnola

    Punta della Cavagnola, in the municipality of Nesso, is the point where the long, looming ridge of mount San Primo, the highest peak in the Larian Triangle, meets the lake. To the south-east of Punta ...
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  • Palanzo - Antico torchio da vino

    Dating back to 1572. Legend tells that it was made from a walnut trunk and used on the same place where the tree had grown. Once the press was built, it was erected around the building that contains i...
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  • Palanzo - Chiesa dedicata a Sant'Ambrogio (Church dedicated to Sant'Ambrogio)

    The village of Palanzo stands at the foot of mount Palanzone, which was once a busy pass offering an alternative route to the lakeside roads. In 1162 it was under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of...
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  • Palanzo - Forra del Gaggio

    A little bridge spans a small ravine created by the mountain stream. On the rock surface you can see the flint limestone that forms the mountains in this region. 
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  • Pognana Lario - Chiesa di San Miro di Rovasco (Church of San Miro di Rovasco)

    It was built as a small Romanesque temple in the twelfth-thirteenth century and then its plan was modified in the middle of the fifteenth century. The very ancient bell tower, dated by experts around ...
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  • Pognana Lario - Chiesa di San Rocco (Church of San Rocco)

    The base of the magnificent bell tower of San Rocco parish church bears witness to its Romanesque origins. Originally dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the imposing facade was built in the 18th century. ...
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  • Torno - Chiesa di San Giovanni (Church of San Giovanni)

    This interesting church in the village was built in the 1300s. It has a beautiful Romanesque bell tower and decorated Renaissance door. The relic of a Holy Nail, said to have been used to crucify Chri...
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  • Torno - Ponte sul vallone della Pliniana (Bridge over the valley of the Pliniana)

    This bridge, with its stone parapet, is one of the best-preserved and oldest along the 'Strada Regia'. It is difficult to determine the exact date of this ancient construction, which was renovated i...
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  • Torno - Sagrato della Chiesa di Santa Tecla (Churchyard of the Church of Santa Tecla)

    The exact date of construction of this church is unknown. The present building dates from the end of the 15th century. The architectural lines of the facade, with the sculptured architrave surmounted ...
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