Torno - Sagrato della Chiesa di Santa Tecla (Churchyard of the Church of Santa Tecla)

Torno - Sagrato della Chiesa di Santa Tecla (Churchyard of the Church of Santa Tecla)

  • Address: Piazza Giovio, 12 22020 Torno (CO)

The exact date of construction of this church is unknown. The present building dates from the end of the 15th century. The architectural lines of the facade, with the sculptured architrave surmounted by the Gothic rose window, are in the style of some more ambitious projects of the time, in particular Como Cathedral. Inside, the high altar is adorned with a scagliola frontal. Above the altar there is a large canvas depicting the patron saint. The image over the right altar is of Saint Andrew Avellino, a saint dear to the confraternity. On the right wall of the baptistery, the fresco by Bartolomeo de Benzi of ‘The Man of Pains’ is of particular interest. Other traces of his work are visible in the area on the right and in the decorations on the arches. The other famous local artist, Andrea de Passeris, painted an Assumption of Our Lady for Saint Tecla’s church that is now at the Brera Art Gallery in Milan. The superb wooden carving representing the Lament of Christ in the second chapel on the left is of a slightly later period. Recent studies date it to the second decade of the 16th century.



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