The guide to the Sentiero del Viandante (The Wayfarer's Path)
The book written by Alberto Conte and Sara Zanni describes in detail the path of the Sentiero del Viandante, from Lecco to Colico, from South to North, and covers also the longer route of the Vie del Viandante: 200 km from Milano to San Bernardino or Splugen.
The guide is part of the series “Percorsi” of the publisher Terre di Mezzo, and includes all the useful information to moving down the road: for each trail, you will find detailed maps, altitudes, differences in height, description of the path, hospitality and places to visit, with in-depth information on culture and traditions.
You can buy the guide in the best bookstores, or you can receive it comfortably at home by ordering it online.