Leg 01 - Alternative to Erve

Leg 01 - Alternative to Erve

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Total Length: 5,2 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Signals: 801/e, 832

Elevation gain: 550 metri
Elevation loss: 140 metri

A panoramic itinerary which, from Lake Garlate, climbs steeply up to the Croce del Pizzo di Vicerola where you can enjoy a majestic panorama of the Valley and the Adda river. From the Cross you descend gently to Erve, a delightful mountain village at the foot of Resegone. Along the route, visit the Sanctuary and Chapel of San Girolamo Emiliani and the Rocca di Somasca, known as the “Castle of the Unnamed” in Manzoni’s memory.



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