Leg 03 - Soazza - San Bernardino

Leg 03 - Soazza - San Bernardino

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Soazza – 616 m
  • Arrival: S. Bernardino – 1.622 m
  • Total Length: 15,9 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Travel times: 5h 30m
  • Suggested time: From May to October, unless there is snow in the upper part of the path

Elevation gain: 1.201 meters
Elevation loss: 210 meters

From the old station of Soazza (parking lot and bus terminal), the Sentiero di Valle continues along the former railway route – past the castle on the opposite side – and steadily climbs to Mesocco where, on the right, you reach the station (772 m; 2,9 km). As we keep following the signs of the Sentiero di Valle, you approach the church of San Rocco and, beyond the last houses, we continue slightly uphill along the river, to the centre of Cebbia (848 m; 4,5 km). Beyond its houses, we steeply climb around a hilltop, take the underpass across the highway and reach the cantonal road by way of a narrow path through the woods. We turn right and stay on the asphalt road up to the first switchback, where we take a mule track, which crosses the highway twice and then, through the woods, reaches the road and houses of Pian San Giacomo (1171 m; 7,4 km). We keep left on the path (orographic right) that leads across a small flood plain, and then climb up the slope, following, at length, a farm road that heads through the woods and reaches the dam of Lago d’Isola (1603 m, 13.5 km). From there, the spruce-shaded dirt path runs along the lake and, after turning to the right and crossing the highway (signpost), it reaches San Bernardino.



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