Peglio - Cama

Peglio - Cama

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Peglio – 595 m
  • Arrival: Cama (CH) – 361 m
  • Total Length: 25,4 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Very Hard
  • Travel times: 14h
  • Suggested time: From Easter to October, unless there is snow in the upper part of the path

Start at Peglio:
From Peglio (595 m) follow the asphalt road to Livio (651 m), from the houses of Livo you can reach, in about an hour’s walk along a slightly downhill mule track or by car with a paying transit, the bridge of Dangri (650 m, refreshment), which passes splendid natural pools shaped by the green water of the stream. Beyond the bridge you go up in the woods along a steep paved mule track to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Livo and the green pastures with the stone huts of Baggio (930 m), where you can refresh yourself at a fountain. Once past the alp, the view opens up onto the deep furrow of the Darengo Valley; the track runs along the coast on the left hydrographic side until it descends to Ponte di Borgo at the foot of Mount Croce di Rabbi, which dominates the confluence with Val di Ledù. Beyond the stream you go back uphill reaching the huts of Borgo (1,069 m) and continue on the orographic right side along the stream; after some clearings you reach a small stone bridge (1,250 m), from which you can reach the Pianezza Refuge at a short distance. Proceed along the path that goes up to the wide basin of Alpe Darengo (1,378 m). Beyond the meadows, always following the red-white markings, turn right and start climbing a rather steep ridge up to Rifugio Darengo. A few more metres and you will reach the shore of Lake Darengo (1,780 m) with the hillock where the Capanna Como is located. The hut owned by the CAI of Como has 22 beds, kitchen and bathrooms; it is a self-managed structure and, to use it, it is necessary to pick up the keys in Livo (for info +39 335 7806842). The advice is to overnight at high altitude before resuming the rather tiring itinerary. To reach Switzerland, follow the red stamps towards Passo Giovo on the orographic right, going up to the left (Capanna Como behind) a hillock that leads up to the rocky bastion above the lake. Here you ignore the path that goes up to the Crocetta Pass (and leads to Val Bodengo), and turn left uphill towards the rocks until you cross the ridge at Passo dell’Orso (2,165 m). Now in the upper part of the Dosso Valley, you descend among the rocks dug by smugglers to facilitate their passage and lose altitude until you reach the traces of the Sentiero della Scatta. Proceed by cutting the steep slope and leave the Alta Via del Lario (which descends to the left) at a fork, following the little stone men and pointing to the base of the rocky spur of Pizzo Caurga where the path zigzags up to the mouth of Cama (2,272 m).

Departure from Cama:
The itinerary coincides with the Bocchetta del Notar starting from the village of Cama and up to the Miralago Hut located on the shores of Lake Cama (1,265 m). Now follow the path that runs along the east bank of the basin and reaches Alp de Lumegn (at the alp it is possible to overnight but the farmhouse is currently being renovated); proceeding towards the bottom of the valley you will come to a fork where you proceed keeping to the right. The track climbs decisively on the orographic right of the Ria di Agnon torrent, which you cross after crossing the first rocky cliff to the right as far as Alpe d’Agnon, where there is a recently renovated farmhouse that is always open and can be used as a shelter at high altitude. You continue in the direction of the increasingly steeply sloping nozzle until you enter the rocky cirque; the last stretch takes place on a detrital slope that requires attention (also because of the snowfall that may persist until late in the season) and reaches the gully and the nozzle.


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