Leg 06 - Garzeno - Peglio

Leg 06 - Garzeno - Peglio

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Garzeno – 695 m
  • Arrival: Peglio – 626 m
  • Total Length: 23,6 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Travel times: 8h 30m
  • Suggested time: From March to November; in other time of the year unless there is snow and ice on the path.

Elevation gain: 1.406 m
Elevation loss: 1.484 m

From the church of Garzeno, we hike up above the village, until reaching the fork close to the aqueduct’s building: we cross the meadow on the right and take the path to the clearing of l’Avolo. You climb above the cabins and follow the track to the church of Ssnt’Anna. (955 m; 3.2 km); you walk past a trattoria and hike down along the asphalt road, which you leave at the first switchback and turn left instead (trail marker). Soon you reach the cabins of Cagnao, you cross a meadow and take the path that leads into the woods. You walk downhill on the cobblestone mule track and then on the cart-way that leads to the small community of Cragno (756 m; 5.7 km) where, at a switchback, you take the mule track on the left, which leaves the mountain and leads into the valley. At Stabiè you leave the cart-way and descend into the village of Levia; from there, you follow the asphalt road that connects the mountains of the Liro creek valley until we approach the community of Nessa. On the right you find a path that goes through the woods, climbs up the valley’s side and reaches the clearing of l’Agnone (907 m; 9.9 km). Beyond the farmsteads of Lambrosetto and Badalucco, you reach the bridge of Budanghel (983 m; 12.1 km) and follow the gently sloping track that leads to Piazzolo and the cabins of Piazza (954 m; 15.9 km), then continue on the steeply declining mule track to the bridge of Vincino on the Liro creek. You climb on the opposite slope and reach a dirt road that leads to the main road coming from Dosso del Liro (Pian delle Castagne; 934 m; 19,5 km). You follow it downhill to Carzan, and then take a cobblestone mule track to the village of Dosso del Liro (688 m; 21.8 km). The path continues above the first houses and, at a switchback, curls to the left and follows a trail that goes around the valley and reaches Arecc (695 m; 23.5 km); from there, you walk along the hillside until the church of the Madonna di Gorghiglio and the provincial road. You turn right on the street and arrive in Peglio.



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