Leg 04 - Lenno - Plesio

Leg 04 - Lenno - Plesio

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Lenno – 215 m
  • Arrival: Plesio – 758 m
  • Total Length: 21,0 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Travel times: 8h 30m
  • Suggested time: From March to November; in other time of the year unless there is snow and ice on the path.

Elevation gain: 1.995 m
Elevation loss: 1.443 m

From Lenno you climb among the houses until reaching Acquafredda Abbey (360 m; 0.9 km), where you turn right, hike up to 1,000 meters and follow the road and then the mule track that leads to the villages of Garbagno and Piazza. Just before reaching Garbagno a yellow trail marker (961 m; 3.9 km) points to a path on the right; you walk on it for a short stretch and then merge onto the mule track coming from Mezzegra. Here you turn left and walk uphill to the grazing lands above Narro (979 m; 4.9 km), where you take a level path on the right, through the woods, to the cabins of Mount Redendola. Among bushes and clearings, you reach the cabins of Ossino (969 m; 6.9 km) and continue on the path on the left, which cuts along Bolvedro valley. Following the steep path among the trees, you hike up and cross the ancient military road that takes us through a tunnel cut into the rock (1178 m; 8.2 km). Then you head down, following the switchbacks (or a trail that cuts through them), to the Mountains of Brente (1042 m; 9.3 km) and, still on the dirt trail, you reach the Mountains of Nava (854 m; 11.5 km). The path continues on a cart-way through the woods that descends to Paullo (535 m; 14 km). You turn left at the small church and after a few metres we leave the road and cut through the woods on the right until, once again, you cross the asphalt road; here you make a right and walk to the gate of the golf course in the small village of Croce (460 m; 14.7 km), you go through it (passage allowed) and keep right, while still descending; you walk next to a few holes and the Fontanina delle uova (Fountain of the eggs); as the path turns into cobblestone and bends to the left, you turn right and head to another gate, from which you leave the club. At the end of the short dirt cart-way, you turn left onto the asphalt street that leads to the state highway and reach the small residential area of Cardano (Grandola e Uniti). Along via Carlo Galbiati we find once again the Via dei Monti Lariani and follow the main road that climbs up to Codogna. We pass by the Town Hall (458 m; 16.6 km) and turn right towards Sanagra creek, which you reach by climbing down a few switchbacks until we find an agritourism with trout farming (429 m; 17.2 km). The path now follows the mule track, which climbs steeply to the pietra pendula of Barna (a glacial erratic). You walk through the village, passing by the church of Maria Maddalena (574 m; 18 km), and you reach the last houses on a small cobblestone path; from there you follow a path in the woods, known as dello “stron”, which leads across the clearing of the Mountains of Dosso della Chiave and leads to the community of La Piazza nearby the small chapel “del Bergum” (786 m; 19.4 km). You walk on a wide mule track for a short stretch and then take a path that leads to the lower area of the village of Prato Sella. You leave behind its houses and climb down to Magiono, cross the Spring of Troi and, with a last stretch along the hillside, we reach the village of Breglia, final destination of this leg.


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