Leg 04 - from Dervio to Bellano

Leg 04 - from Dervio to Bellano

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Dervio, chiesa dei SS Quirico e Giulitta – 222 m
  • Arrival: Bellano, chiesa di San Rocco – 233 m
  • Total Length: 4,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium
  • Travel times: 1h 30m
  • Suggested time: All year round, unless there is snow at low altitude

Elevation gain: 250 m
Elevation loss: 237 m

From the church of SS Quirico and Giulitta we continue along via Duca d’Aosta leaving the town of Dervio. At the railway bridge and the Crotto del Céch we take the path on the left that begins to climb towards the Balze dei Ronchi and the bridge of the Valle Grande. We go down towards Verginate where we continue on the asphalted road up to Oro. We take a staircase on the left and then follow the pavement along a stretch where woods and meadows alternate until we reach the sanctuary of Lezzeno. A short descent leads first to Ombriaco and then to the church of San Rocco in Bellano.


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