Leg 01 - From Chiavenna to Samolaco

Leg 01 - From Chiavenna to Samolaco

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Chiavenna – 322 m
  • Arrival: Samolaco, loc. Era – 221 m
  • Total Length: 12,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Easy
  • Travel times: 3h (4h 15m High route option)
  • Suggested time: All year round, unless there is snow at low altitude

Elevation gain: 276 m
Elevation loss: 358 m

We leave Chiavenna along the long straight road of via Volta until we cross the bridge over the Liro stream, after which we turn right entering San Mamete. We go down to the Mese power station and then go up to Coloredo, where we cross the Crezzo stream to enter Gordona. We leave the village along via Piazzoli and via Segname to take the path that leads to the ancient chapel of the Boggia. Here we can choose whether to take the low or the high variant, which is decidedly more demanding.

The lower variant follows the path of the Boggia stream up to the confluence with the Mera river, which we follow up to the fortified farmhouse of Cesura. We soon reach San Pietro where we rejoin the high variant.

We pass the Culumbée Ethnographic Museum and the church dedicated to San Pietro to go down the steps of the Stradina delle Fontane on the left to the road to Peremonte which we follow to the right. Near a bend to the left we continue straight along a path that leads us to ford the Bolgadregna stream near Nogaredo. We continue along the path passing the Era Valley until we reach the paved road that descends to the Era hamlet.



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