Leg 05 - Plesio - Garzeno

Leg 05 - Plesio - Garzeno

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Plesio – 758 m
  • Arrival: Garzeno – 650 m
  • Total Length: 17,0 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Hard
  • Travel times: 6h
  • Suggested time: From March to November; in other time of the year unless there is snow and ice on the path.

Elevation gain: 1.406 m
Elevation loss: 1.484 m

From Breglia‘s parking lot you take the street on the left that climbs to Menaggio hut; after about 50 metres you reach an alley on the right, with the Via dei Monti Lariani trail marker. You follow it as it leads us through the meadows and then into the woods, then you climb down on the switchbacks to Greno valley. After reaching the other side, you climb up to the village of Carcente (711 m; 2.1 km) where you take the cobblestone mule track on the left and reach the Mountains of Carcente. You walk around the farmsteads, then the path to the cabins of Mount Treccione (956 m, 3.6 km) levels out and goes on until the terrace of Montuglio (983 m, 4.5 km), where you cross the road that climbs up from San Siro. After climbing and descending a number of times, you pass Vezzedo valley and reach the grazing lands of Luina and the community of Monti Bracco. Then you approach the church of San Domenico and the houses of Piazzuco. A steep downward slope takes us to the Livera and Quaradella creeks and the cabins of Naro (1224 m; 8.2 km); from the fountain, you hike up the grassy hollow and walk on along the hillside to the Alp of Nacim. Nearby Val Grande (1252 m; 10.2 km), the path descends gradually and, keeping right, goes past the villages of Adacca and Scireso and on, amongst the meadows, to Brecchio and the farmsteads of Labbio. After you leave behind the village, you climb to the gap with the church of San Bernardo (1097 m; 12.4 km). The descent to Albano valley is quite taxing: once you reach the village of Piazze, you cross a cart-way on the right, which leads across the woods and down to the bridge on the Albano river. From there you climb up to the community of Ca Tasco and, following the mule track, which often cuts across the main road, you reach the threshold of Garzeno.


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