Leg 02 - From Imbersago to Cassano d'Adda

Leg 02 - From Imbersago to Cassano d'Adda

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Start: Imbersago,traghetto leonardesco
  • Arrival: Cassano d’Adda
  • Total Length: 25,8 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Easy
  • Travel times: 6h
  • Suggested time: All year round

Elevation gain: 71 m
Elevation loss: 136 m

From the Leonardo ferry in Imbersago, the stations of the Ecomuseo Adda di Leonardo follow one after the another: along with the splendid views of River Adda rapids, depicted in background of the “Virgin of the Rocks”, there are also some hydraulic artefacts projected by Leonardo Da Vinci for the construction of Naviglio di Paderno, designed in 1516, but completed only in 1777. Masterpieces of industrial archeology are the hydroelectric plants visible along the route and the imposing iron bridge in Paderno d’Adda. Once passed the castle of Trezzo d’Adda, you reach Crespi d’Adda with its industrial village, one of the most famous in Italy and a Unesco World Heritage Site. In Vaprio d’Adda stands Villa Melzi, where Leonardo da Vinci stayed between 1506 and 1513; from Vaprio follow the Naviglio Martesana to the gates of Cassano d’Adda.



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