Connection route Bocchetta della Crocetta

Connection route Bocchetta della Crocetta

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Total Length: 2,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Very Hard
  • Suggested time: From Easter to October, unless there is snow in the upper part of the path

The itineraries that connect the village of Cama in Mesolcina to the villages of Gordona and Livo in Italy through the Bocchetta del Notar and the Bocchetta d’Agnon, are connected at high altitude by a connecting path that, remaining on Italian territory, allows the direct passage between Val Bodengo and Val Darengo. This link trail intersects along the ascent to the Bocchetta del Notar (in the rocky part at high altitude). At the boulder that with an arrow points to the right the path that leads to Alpe del Notar, you continue ignoring the indication, on the track, facing more and more marked slopes until you leave the last tufts of grass and arrive in the stony ground at the foot of the peaks. The Crocetta Pass (2,201 m) is in sight in front of you and you need a last effort to reach it: moving with a bit of experience among the big boulders you pass the last stretch that climbs steeply at the carving and you reach the top, from where you can enjoy the view of the opposite side that hosts the Darengo Lake. A track descends towards the lake and, bending to the right, goes around the rocky bastions of the ridge, losing altitude to overcome the upper part of the basin of Lake Darengo among grass and large plates. From here you continue downhill to Capanna Como (self-managed refuge).


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